Start Your Pokédex Journey!

Pokémon caught
Since January 2024
New Users
↗︎ 400 (22%)
Living Dexes Completed
↘︎ 90 (14%)


  • Social

    Easily share your Pokédex journey with friends, or find theirs. If you'd rather go it alone, that's okay too!

  • Free & Open Source

    Completely open source and free to use, enabling the community to contribute updates as soon as new Pokémon are released.

  • Easy to use with advanced filtering

    If you just want to track your progress completing your Pokédex, you can do that. But if you are attempting a harder variant, like a Living Origin Forme Dex, you might find our advanced filtering options helpful for tracking target Pokémon for specific catching sessions.

  • 100% free

    Did we mention it's completely free to use? Oh, we did? Good. Because it is.